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About us

Above everything else, we never lose sight of the premise that our prosperity is directly linked to yours.


  • We answer all incoming calls within 2 rings and we never interrogate you with silly questions like “who is calling?” or “what is it about?” but put you through to the person you wish to speak with straight away.
  • You may speak with any person of your choice – including the partners. We have no barriers.
  • Since our fees are fixed in advance and are never based on time, you need not worry about any “meter running!” In fact, we encourage our clients to call us often.
  • We will contact you periodically as agreed with you in advance.
  • Your queries to us can be on subjects outside our terms of engagement with you. We will help wherever we can.


  • If more convenient to you, we can arrange meetings outside normal office hours, even on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Meetings can be arranged at short notice.
  • Free, convenient car parking is available.
  • Telephone messages, emails and letters are answered promptly. We set out our service standards with you in writing when you become our client.
  • On receipt of all information by the relevant date, we promise to complete the assignment (your accounts, tax returns etc.) within 20 working days.


  • Our fees are fixed in advance. You will never receive a surprise bill from us. Never.
  • Your fees will normally be payable in easy monthly instalments.
  • Our fees include:
    • Unlimited free phone support
    • Unlimited free meetings
    • and lots of other benefits – see Our Promises
  • We offer a 100% Risk Free Guarantee – see Our Promises for more details.

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